'Right In the P***y' Creators -- WE'RE PROUD OF JAMEIS WINSTON ... He's a Hero!
'Right In the P***y' Creators WE'RE PROUD OF JAMEIS ... He's a Hero!
The guys who created the "F**k Her Right in the P***y" craze tell TMZ Sports ... they're PROUD of Jameis Winston for spreading their message to the masses and hope his teammates follow suit.
We spoke with John Cain and his pal Fred -- who first posted videos screaming the phrase on the Internet earlier this year -- and it's clear they're upset Jameis is being punished for the incident.
In fact, when we asked Fred (the guy in the hood) how he felt about FSU ... he couldn't have been more clear -- "F**k THEM right in the p***y."
The guys are now calling for the entire student body at Florida State to rally around Winston with a NEW war cry at this weekend's game ... can you guess what it is??