Shia LaBeouf Chased Around a Homeless Guy Hours Before Arrest
Shia LaBeouf Chased Around a Homeless Guy Hours Before Arrest

As for the threats to law enforcement ... Shia reportedly told police, "I'll f*** you up."
Police came and arrested the actor and took him to the cop shop. Shia was charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.
Shia pled not guilty Friday morning and left the courthouse a free man.

Regrets ... He Had a Few
Shia LaBeouf looked like crap as he left the courthouse Friday ... after being arrested for essentially going insane inside Studio 54 in NYC.
Shia had remorse and hangover written all over his face as he walked away, just having pled not guilty to criminal trespass and disorderly conduct.
Shia allegedly threatened cops, yelled obscenities at patrons inside the club and disrupted the performance. He also gabbed an ass or 2 during his drunken tirade.
Witnesses say the actor was acting bizarre the entire evening and looked dirty and unkempt.