Chris Brown -- Dumps Graffiti Home & Condo
Chris Brown Dumps Graffiti Home and Condo
Chris Brown is free ... free at last ... because he finally dumped two properties he's been trying to unload -- including his notorious and hated graffiti monster house in the Hollywood Hills.
Real estate sources tell us ... the HH home is in escrow ... for $1.79 mil. We're told he also just sold a penthouse condo in West Hollywood that's been on the market for 2 years.
Chris decided to sell the Hollywood Hills home after battling the city of L.A. and his neighbors over the brightly colored creatures he painted on his walls. He eventually covered it up.
Chris bought the 3-BR crib for $1.5M in 2011 ... with real estate fees, he'll be lucky to break even.
As for the WeHo condo ... Brown bought it for $1.6 in 2011 and sold it for the same price.
Chris' neighbors will certainly be celebrating ... they hated him for throwing loud, endless parties.