Shelly Sterling Deal -- 'Clippers' Number 1 Fan' ... For Life!!!
Shelly Sterling Deal I'm 'Clippers' Number 1 Fan' ... For Life!!!
TMZ Sports has obtained the $2 billion contract between Shelly Sterling and Steve Ballmer -- and there was one interesting clause ... Shelly demanded an official lifetime title before she would agree to sell the team ... "Clippers' Number 1 Fan."
It's there in plain black and white -- besides agreeing to give Shelly 12 tickets for life, "Buyer shall also give Shelly Sterling the title of "Owner Emeritus" and "Clippers' Number 1 Fan," which titles she shall retain for the duration of her lifetime."
So, sorry Clipper Darryl ... you're out, Shelly Sterling is the new Numero Uno in Clipper Town ... if the judge rubber stamps the sale.