NY Rangers' Stanley Cup Chances -- Legend Mike Richter: DON'T COUNT US OUT YET!!
NY Rangers Legend DON'T COUNT US OUT YET We Still Got a Shot at the Cup!!
They might be down, but the New York Rangers are definitely NOT OUT ... so says Rangers legend Mike Richter who tells TMZ Sports the team is still ready to fight like hell.
Of course, the Rangers are down 3-0 to the L.A. Kings -- but the NHL Hall-of-Famer is optimistic ... telling us, "I think we're gonna win."
Richter -- who won the cup in '94 -- also dished out some words of wisdom to the squad ... they should probably take his advice.
Despite the fact the odds are stacked wayyy against them, Richter believes in his guys -- "L.A.'s not gonna get the cup for free. They have to go through the Rangers."