Is Too Short Anti-Semitic? -- He Doesn't Hate Jews, Says Jewish Manager [VIDEO]
Too Short He's No Anti-Semite He Hired Me And I'm Jewish...Says Manager
Too Short is a Shabbat-lovin', Hannukah-celebratin' mensch -- even if the rapper did pass up a chance to trash Adolf Hitler -- according to his Jewish manager, David Weintraub.
We got Weintraub -- a big-time celebrity manager -- during his morning workout and asked if he was offended by Too Short's comments -- when he said he wasn't a Hitler hater because things worked out and Hitler didn't wipe out ALL the Jews and Blacks.
Weintraub says Too Short can be forgiven for what he said -- call it a mitzvah -- because he's an honorary member of the tribe ... and he had a LEGIT excuse for misspeaking.