Judge Joe Brown -- They Tried to Keep Me Behind Bars ... BY FALSIFYING COURT DOCS
Judge Joe Brown They Tried to Keep Me Behind Bars ... BY FALSIFYING COURT DOCS

Judge Joe Brown is still hopping mad about being arrested Monday and now tells TMZ he thinks the judge who tossed him behind bars conspired to try and keep him there longer.
In case you missed it ... Brown was tossed in the slammer in Memphis on Monday after having a

. Brown, who is still a practicing lawyer, was there to represent his client in a child support hearing (that becomes relevant shortly).
TMZ spoke with Brown this morning and he still claims the fact he is running for D.A. of Shelby County played a role in how he was treated.
He also claims the magistrate helped to "falsify documents" so it would read that he was jailed for child support violations instead of contempt ... an attempt to keep him behind bars longer.
Brown made it through his three hours in jail unscathed -- he says he signed autographs and saw a few former clients (not a good sign for his lawyering skills) but avoided the food.
Wise choice.