Bombshell Marilyn Monroe Lawsuit Targets Greasy Spoons
Marilyn Monroe Bombshell Lawsuit Targets Greasy Spoons
A restaurant chain is being sued for millions for allegedly stealing Marilyn Monroe.
MM Cafe -- a chain of Marilyn-themed restaurants -- has her images plastered throughout the eating joints and according to a new lawsuit -- MM was supposed to pay a PP (pretty penny) in return ... but didn't.
The suit shows the ongoing power of the Marilyn Monroe brand. MM Cafe agreed to pay $1 million a year for 20 years in return for the use of Marilyn's images. But the dead actress' estate claims like Marilyn, they were stiffed.
The Marilyn Monroe Estate is suing for the remaining amount on the contract -- a whopping $18.35 million.
Gentlemen prefer payment.