Kanye West's Alleged 'Victim' -- Bizarre Conduct Before Attack
Kanye and Kim Alleged Victim's Bizarre Conduct Before Attack [VIDEO]

The 18-year-old who got attacked in a doctor's waiting room by Kanye West is on VIDEO -- outside the building and before the confrontation -- and he appears to taunt the paparazzi as Kim Kardashian walks in.
The barely-a-man screams to Kim, "They're whack, dude. You have to deal with that everyday?" He then excitedly hops up the front steps like a rabbit.
The video stops as Kim walks in. TMZ broke the story ... Kim claims the man then started to hurl epithets to Kim about the paparazzi, calling them "n*****s" and "fa****s" Kim says she then called him out for using the word and then he turned on her, calling her a "n****r lover." At that point Kim called Kanye on his cell -- he was nearby -- and the guy apparently knew Kanye was listening and he called the rapper a "n****r."
We're told the guy walked into his chiropractor's office and Kanye and Kim followed shortly thereafter, and eyewitnesses tell TMZ Kanye punched him in the face.
Kanye is now a suspect in a criminal investigation. And, as we reported, Kim claims the guy threatened to kill her and she's going to file a police report of her own.