TMZ Live: Dr. Phil Sparks Drunken Sex Controversy
TMZ Live Dr. Phil Sparks Drunken Sex Controversy
(0:00) Dr. Phil sends out a controversial tweet, and then deletes it -- if a girl is drunk, is it ok to have sex with her?
(10:00) Nickelodeon star and internet sensation, Lucas Cruikshank aka "Fred" releases a video..."I'm Gay."
(15:00) Hours before her death Gia Allemand's boyfriend told her he no longer loved her, will the guilt haunt him forever?
(18:00) Is Robin Thicke just a Marvin Gaye rip-off -- Marvin Gaye III joins us to discuss.
(24:00) American War Hero kicked out of KFC because of service dog -- he calls in to tell his story and how he's taking action against KFC.
(29:00) Kylie Jenner gives out $150,000 gift bags at her sweet 16 -- we show you what's inside.
(32:00) Lindsay Lohan hanging out with an old friend -- is this bad for her recovery?
(34:00) Diddy sued by intern -- our guest, from I Want To Work With Diddy, tells us how you got to pay your dues.
(36:00) The floor is yours!
(41:00) Not everybody loves's hate mail time!