'The Calling' Singer Alex Band 911 Call -- 'He's Bleeding All Over the Place'
'The Calling' Singer 911 Call 'He's Bleeding All Over the Place'

TMZ has obtained the 911 call made by "The Calling" singer Alex Band's manager after the singer was found bloodied and beaten on the side of the road in Lapeer, MI early Sunday morning.
During the call, Band's manager is calm but reports that Alex was abducted and kidnapped by unknown assailants.
When asked how he knew Band was abducted, the manager replied, "Because he's bleeding all over the place and I found him on the side of the road." The manager told the operator Band was breathing and conscious.
TMZ broke the story ... police are currently investigating the incident. Band was in town for a music festival. We're told the singer decided to walk from his hotel to a nearby mini mart around 4am Sunday morning when a van pulled up and snatched him off the street.