Mike Tyson -- I SUCKED AT PUNCH-OUT ... Couldn't Even Beat Glass Joe
Mike Tyson I SUCKED AT PUNCH-OUT Couldn't Even Beat Glass Joe

Glass Joe was a BUM -- a talentless, pathetic sissy who got beat down by just about everyone who owned a Nintendo back in the '80s ... everyone except THE REAL MIKE TYSON!!!!
Tyson was leaving Crustacean in Beverly Hills last night when we brought up the greatest video of all time -- not Contra, not Tetris, not even Ninja Gaiden ... we're talkin' Mike Tyson's Punch-Out for the NES.
But despite the fact his 8-bit alter ego was almost impossible to defeat, flesh-and-blood Tyson says he was so bad at the game, he couldn't get past the 1st character ... Glass Joe.
Mike says he didn't really get into video games until 2006, 2007 ... but now he LOVES 'em ... and says he's even become obsessed with a couple of titles.
BTW, Mike ... if you ever get the urge to crack open MTPO, just remember -- 007-373-5963.
You're welcome.