Kris Humphries -- No-Show In Court
Kris Humphries No-Show In Court In Deep Doo Doo
Unless the Concorde was taken out of mothballs last night, there's no way Kris Humphries is going to appear for a MANDATORY settlement conference with Kim Kardashian today ... TMZ has learned.
Sources connected with Kris tell us ... he was in NYC at 1 AM today, and looked "extremely upset." As we reported, he's supposed to be in an L.A. court today for a settlement conference and his attendance is required.
The first flight out of JFK today is at 6:00 AM ET, arriving at 9:15 AM PT. Here's the problem. The settlement conference is set for 8:30 AM PT. Even if the flight is on time, he'd be at least 2 hours late.
We checked with JFK to see if flights were cancelled because of weather last night -- maybe Kris could use mother nature as his excuse. But the airport was operating, so it looks like he's screwed.
The judge is going to be REALLY pissed off.
Meanwhile, Kim K is punctual as ever ... she just rolled up to the courthouse.

8:58 AM PT -- As we told you, Kris was a no-show at the hearing.