Rick Ross Shooting 911 Call -- 'I Just Heard a Bunch of Gunshots'
Rick Ross 911 Call 'I Just Heard a Bunch of Gunshots'

The woman who called 911 to report the Rick Ross drive-by shooting had to hang up the phone and HIDE mid-call fearing the gunmen were turning around to spray a second wave of gunfire.
The call was made early Monday morning from a restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida ... while the rapper was trying to speed away from the shooter in his Rolls-Royce.
A woman inside of a nearby restaurant called 911 in a panic and reported, "I just heard a bunch of gunshots go off ... and a car sped by."
The caller then interrupted the operator and said, "Oh my god, they're turning around and coming back ... I'm hanging up."
When the operator tried to ask more questions about the situation -- the caller shot back, "They're coming back ... I'm hiding."
The caller then hangs up the phone.
Ross eventually crashed his car into a nearby apartment building. So far, the cops have not made any arrests in the case.