Pauly D -- 'Jersey Shore' Investment Tip ... BUY GOLD!!!
Pauly D 'Jersey' Investment Tip BUY GOLD!!!

Now that "Jersey Shore" star Pauly D's an $11 million man ... he's got some investment advice for every Joe Schmoe looking to make fast cash -- BUY GOLD FOOL ... it's only going up up up.
Pauly was out in NYC Thursday when we asked about his recent placement on the Forbes list for highest-paid DJs -- which said Pauly raked in $11 million in the last year -- and he said, "Crazy, right?"
Pretty funny ... considering gold is a terrible investment (if you ask us) ... but hey, it's your money.
We also asked how many cars Pauly has -- check out the video for his answer. (Hint: it's between 5 and 412.)