Nas -- Daughter Forgives Him for Screwing Up Birthdate ... in Her Birthday Video!
Nas' Daughter Forgives His Epic Birthday Gift Screw Up
Nas should be happy his daughter has a good sense of humor -- because we're told she absolutely LOVED the music video for the song he made for her birthday ... even though he got her birthdate wrong!
The "Daughters" video begins with Destiny Jones' name and birthday -- September 14 -- but that's actually Nas' DOB. The video's been fixed to reflect Destiny's birthday -- June 15 ... and Nas tweeted it was just a mix-up by the editor.
Sources close to Destiny (who has a cameo at the end of the video) tell TMZ she and her pops had a laugh over the snafu and she is "head over heels in love with the video."
As long as Nas doesn't REALLY forget her birthday, he should be fine.