TMZ Live: Octomom Gets a Facelift for Her House
TMZ Live Octomom Gets a Facelift ... For Her House
(0:00) Octomom is on the offensive -- she calls in to set the record straight about the true living conditions in her house.
(7:43) Rosie backtracks on her harsh criticism of Lindsay Lohan ... but compare her to Whitney.
(10:30) Lindsay Lohan and Kim K. are going to have dinner together ... at THE WHITE HOUSE.
(15:10) Britney Spears has a new conservator watching over her -- her fiance Jason Trawick.
(19:34) A website that sets up traveling women with business dinners ... some think it's dirtier than it appears.
(23:10) Donald Trump's hair-raising moment.
(29:34) Ryan Seacrest -- the most infectious person on "Idol" last night.
(33:10) Lane Garrison is in deep you-know-what -- he was charged for allegedly hitting his ex. (37:45) More trouble for the pregnant man.
(42:55) Mila Kunis denies dating Kutcher.
(43:10) We take your calls!