Tim Tebow's Last Temptation ... Scantily Clad Women
Tim Tebow's Last Temptation ... Scantily Clad Women
Surrounded by an army of perfectly toned asses, devout virgin Tim Tebow appeared UNFAZED at a Super Bowl pre-party in Indianapolis last night ... but he did pull off one pretty awesome maneuver for a fan.
Tim was hanging out on the balcony at the Bud Light Hotel party ... when his buddy heard a fan down on the street begging Tebow to sign his hat.
Tebow -- being awesome -- instructed his buddy to signal to the fan to throw the hat up to the balcony ... which he did. Tebow put his Hancock on the lid and got it back to the fan.
If you're not into the feel-good stuff ... check out the video anyway ... butts, butts, butts.