2011 NBA MVP Derrick Rose -- Passenger in DUI Arrest
2011 NBA MVP Derrick Rose Passenger in DUI Arrest

Chicago Bulls superstar Derrick Rose strolled out of an LAPD station at 3:00 AM today ... after his BFF was arrested for DUI ... and Derrick was a passenger in the car.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ .... the 2011 NBA MVP was a passenger in a black BMW being driven by his close friend and personal assistant Randall Hampton ... when cops stopped the car on a routine traffic violation at around 2:00 AM Friday morning.
When cops spoke to Hampton -- who played high school basketball with Rose -- officers claim they detected the odor of alcohol.
Hampton was given a field sobriety test ... and was eventually arrested on suspicion of DUI. Rose was free to go.
Hampton was hauled to the Hollywood police station, where he was booked. Rose arrived to the station shortly after to check on his friend.
TMZ shot footage of Rose leaving the police station by himself at 3:00 AM ... but he clearly wasn't in the mood to talk.
Hampton has just been released on his own recognizance.
We called Rose's agent to ask why he would allow an allegedly drunk person to drive him around -- but so far no comment.