TMZ Live -- How Dr. Murray Dug His Own Grave ...
TMZ Live How Dr. Murray Dug His Own Grave
(2:10) If Dr. Murray didn't sit down for an interview with police ... he would have never been charged with a crime .
(4:01) Cops would never be able to prove Murray gave MJ five gallons of Propofol if he didn't admit to it.
(9:10) Why did Murray agree to the interview?
(10:03) Murray's interview is the only reason it turned into a homicide investigation.
(11:10) Jason is baffled as to why Murray's lawyers let him spill his guts.
(25:05) Whitney Houston -- THIS CLOSE to being tossed off a plane.
(27:00) Harvey turns into Evan.
(21:30) Did Hilary Swank lie when apologizing for attending the birthday party for the President of Chechnya.
(24:00) Breaking news! Lindsay Lohan gets booted from her community service program ... and this could mean jail time.