TMZ Live: Rachel Uchitel's Husband Matt Hahn, Mark McGrath and Paul Anka Call In!
TMZ Live Rachel Uchtel's Husband We've NEVER Talked Tiger!
(2:00) Harvey has a wardrobe malfunction.
(3:15) Hank Williams Jr. compares President Obama to Adolf Hilter. Not smart.
(11:45) Hank releases a SECOND half-ass apology -- and now Harvey is SUPER riled up ... because he thinks Hank's comment was no mistake.
(21:00) Rachel Uchitel's new husband is on the phone!
(23:02) Matt and Rachel's wedding PARTY .
(27:50) Matt says he's NEVER talked to Rachel about Tiger ... because he doesn't care about her past.
(32:00) Did Nancy Grace fart on "Dancing with the Stars"?
(41:10) Which six rock stars' faces belong on the 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar bills?
(42:10) Mark McGrath calls in to place his votes.
(46:00) Paul Anka's picks!
(48:00) Turns out ... Paul made Harvey famous!