Charlie Sheen -- Rebounds in the Big Apple
Charlie Sheen returned to the scene of the massacre -- Radio City Music Hall -- two days after his disastrous show. And wouldn't you know it, Charlie rebounded like a champ. Read our recap below.

7:58 PM ET -- Crowd is on its way into the theater, but tonight something is missing -- the "no hecklers" sign. Seeing as how it didn't work on Friday night, it doesn't really matter.
8:02 PM ET -- How's this for random ... James Lipton is in the house (see below). Charlie, what's your favorite curse word?
8:11 PM ET -- Sheen pal Simon Rex has taken the stage to inspect the crowd. No sign of Charlie yet.
8:19 PM ET -- Sheen has taken the stage and the show is entirely different from Friday night. The crowd has been cheering Sheen on, rather than booing him. He entered to a standing ovation and told the crowd, "I don't even think I was here Friday night."
8:22 PM ET -- Sheen is taking questions from the crowd after he threw his script away. He told the crowd, "Friday night got a little f**king hijacked because I let people get into my magic f**king brain."
8:24 PM ET -- The goddesses came out early tonight and handed out hats and t-shirts. A girl came up on stage to "audition" to be the third goddess. She left the stage to mixed reviews.
8:30 PM ET -- The crowd just broke out in a "F**k Dr. Drew" chant. Then Charlie lit up a cigarette.
8:35 PM ET -- Charlie just gave his shirt to a hot blonde in the crowd, then put on an FDNY shirt. He then offered to pay for the whole crowd to get "WINNING" tattoos.
8:38 PM ET -- Sheen is actually up and walking around, interacting with the crowd. He didn't do anything like that on Friday.
8:43 PM ET -- Charlie just called James Lipton onto the stage. He actually did ask Charlie what his favorite curse word was. Charlie answered, "Either f**k or Denise."
8:49 PM ET -- Even more random ... baseball legend Darryl Strawberry just came up on stage.
8:53 PM ET -- Just to give you an idea of how much better tonight's show is going compared to Friday's -- we sent the same disgruntled staffer to the show tonight and she just tweeted, "Whoa this is ridiculous. @charliesheen is killling it - huge 180 from friday! Loving it"
9:00 PM ET -- Charlie is back from intermission and walked back down to the stage after coming down from the mezzanine. He spotted a girl he used to date and gave her a hug and kiss.
9:03 PM ET -- Charlie: "I discovered crack and the internet in the same weekend. Thanks, Al Gore."
9:08 PM ET -- Charlie calls Jon Cryer a rock star and apologizes for calling him a troll. Hallmark makes cards for just these types of occasions.
9:11 PM ET -- Charlie once again says he would go back to "Two and a Half Men" if they asked him back and encouraged the crowd to go to Warner Bros. and ask him back. Not happening.
9:15 PM ET -- Charlie is talking about Chuck Lorre and he said he "doesn't completely suck." Charlie said "they" want him to write an apology or else he wouldn't get his job back. He said he vows to do just that.
9:20 PM ET -- Charlie told the crowd he loved them and walked off to a standing ovation. Show's over. Charlie killed it tonight. 'Nuff said.