Mel Gibson and Baby Lucia -- Church Playdate
Mel Gibson spent some quality father-daughter time with his daughter Lucia on Sunday -- the first time we've seen Mel and Lucia together ... outside of court documents.
The pics were taken at Mel's church in Malibu after services. Mel can be seen doting over his daughter, who seemed to be striking up a friendship with another young child.
The only four-letter word you can say about these pics ... is cute.
Brad Pitt: Angelina Is Up for Grabs
Brad Pitt used the NYC premiere of "The Tourist" on Monday night to cop a feel of Angelina Jolie's backside.
Brad is supportive of all of Angie's parts.
Celebrity Shnozzes -- Is Bigger Better?
We did a little rhinoplasty on some of the biggest names in Hollywood -- but sometimes the original is best. Click through the pics and decide -- work ... or no work?
Celebrity Scramble!
We mixed up a Hollwood hottie's face -- and now it's up to you to guess who it is!
Grammy Awards: Who You Got?
With everyone from Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber to Eminem and Katy Perry up for Grammy Awards this year, we want to know who you'll be rooting for come February 13.
From Pop, Country, Rap and more -- click above and vote for who you think should go home a winner!
What's the Big Frigin' Difference?!
Focus in on the following photos and see if you can find the differences that we sneaked in!
**HINT -- There are THREE differences in the above photograph!**
Whose Fluffy Pup?
Can you guess which Hollywood hottie was spotted with this cute canine while walking through LAX earlier this week?