Capri Anderson a Hooker? -- Charlie Sheen Rep: Capri Anderson Has Sex for Cash
Charlie Sheen has come out swinging against Capri Anderson, who has accused him of choking her at The Plaza Hotel. Charlie's manager, Mark Burg, tells TMZ, "This is a woman who, for the right amount of money, sleeps with strangers."
Capri went on "Good Morning America" and claimed she's filing suit against Charlie because, among other things, he choked her. Capri, a porn star, denies she's a hooker. But Burg, who is also the Executive Producer of "Two and a Half Men," thinks otherwise.
Burg re-emphasizes that Capri never told police about any abuse, despite the fact that "she had every opportunity to do so."
Burg says she's concocting her latest story for money and vows Charlie will not pay a penny to settle with her.