Michael Jackson Targeted with Death Threat
Someone threatened to kill Michael Jackson, and then-President George H.W. Bush, according to FBI documents just released.
Someone wrote a letter on July 6, 1992, that the FBI obtained, stating, "I decided that because nobody is taking me serious, and I can't handle my state of mind, that I am going to Washington D.C. to threaten to kill the President of the United States, George Bush."
It goes on ..."Michael [Jackson] I will personally attempt to kill, if he doesn't pay me my money."
One of the documents, written by the L.A. City Attorney's office, indicated on June 22, 1992, the author of the letter "arrives in Calif at Jackson's . Threatens to kill."
The FBI says the person who wrote the letter was charged with extortion, pled guilty and was sentenced to prison in 1993.