The Quaids' Mug Shots ... And So Much More
The Quaids' Mug Shots ... And So Much More
So we just got our hands on Randy and Evi Quaid's awesome mug shots -- check out Randy's dapper coat-over-the-shoulder move -- and just for kicks, the Quaids asked the Presidio County Sheriff to send specifically to TMZ two bonus gifts as well.
Bonus #1 -- A hand written statement The Quaids scribbled especially for us, which reads in part, "I promise the state of California, Texas does not bother people over hamburgers ordered by room service, supposedly burglarized."
Bonus #2 -- A copy of a cashier's check from the Quaids to the San Ysidro Ranch -- the place they allegedly stiffed -- for $5,546.96.