Neverland Was Filled with Sculpted Boys
Michael Jackson has fired off another legal attack in the hopes of keeping his personal creepy stuff from Neverland off of the auction block -- but these legal papers come fully equipped with an item-by-item breakdown of every bizarre, disturbing item on his property. Warning: It gets weird...
Here's a sample of some of the various works of art on the 2,952 item list: "boy with accordion," "boy sitting on bricks," "boy w/ baton and hat w/ feathers," "two boys on swing bar," "two boys with ladder," "boys sleeping on bench," " boys milking goat," "boy on a toy car with girl," "boy pulling, 2 boys on a bike," "boy lifting girl," "2 boys sitting on a sunflower," "little boy with turquoise overalls on a stand," "bronze boy and girl hugging," "bronze boy carrying a fruit basket," "boys catching fish." And it goes on and on and on and on ....
Jacko also has an item described as "child's upper body mannequin." In fact, he has two of those.
Check out the documents. Discuss among yourselves...