Pilot's XXX Flight -- The Blow-by-Blow
TMZ has obtained an explosive videotape -- well, a prematurely explosive videotape -- showing the extremely graphic and dangerous activities inside the chopper of celeb pilot David Martz... and let's just say they don't call it the cockpit for nothin'.

The tape proves Martz -- who's currently being investigated by the FAA -- was undeniably distracted by his porn star passenger Puma Swede ... for 47.5 seconds anyway ... while his chopper was flying high above San Diego and his pants were flying down around his ankles. And there were many minutes of foreplay, where at least one hand -- in particular, several fingers -- was definitely not on the controls.
While Martz recklessly buzzed over crowded freeways and residential neighborhoods, his passenger took off her clothes and orally took control of Martz' other joystick ... if you catch our drift.
The camera rolled for 45 minutes, though the flight was longer. It begins with Puma topless on the tarmac at Montgomery Field. Puma says the in-flight entertainment was a way to "compensate" Martz for allowing his chopper to be used for a porno shoot in a nearby hangar.
Martz has had his pilot's license suspended twice and revoked twice, but he's still flying -- at least for now.