Lauer Abs-olutely Needs a New Swimsuit
Where in the world is Matt Lauer's new swimsuit?!
While in the Bahamas this weekend, the 50-year-old proved he's still got abs -- and two-year-old board shorts.
Although he still looks pretty good, it's clear Matt hasn't been hitting the gym -- or the mall -- as much as he should.
Child Stars Mature -- The Cruel Reality
Growing up in the Hollywood limelight isn't easy. Some stars still have it goin' on, while some look like they've been ridden hard and put away wet.
Hollywood's Visually Impaired
While most stars are too cool for school, the following bunch are giving in to their inner nerds. When did pocket protectors make a come back?!
Madge's Musical Men
So Madonna, Guy Ritchie, and baby daddy Carlos Leon are all in NYC as the supposed divorce drama unfolds -- but they're never together, and never in the same place at the same time.
All the action's swirling around Madonna's pad near Central Park --but when we see Guy bail, that's when Carlos shows up, and vice versa. Meanwhile, when we've spotted Madonna coming home -- no Guy, no Carlos, and definitely no A-Rod.
They're So Gangsta!
There's a real tough side of Hollywood and some stars have been known to embrace their inner thug. But not the posers in this gallery. It takes more than a bandana to gain street cred.
Tim McGraw: Security Specialist
Tim McGraw regulated on a rowdy fan in Washington last week -- and his laid-back version of what happened was a far cry from the burly Tim we saw nearly give a guy a country-size knuckle sandwich.
Gordon Takes the Checkered Flag on Divorce
Even Jeff Gordon's wife knows he's the king of divorce.
Jeff was involved in a nasty split from his first wife, so when a papper asked him if he had any advice for the possibly-splitting Madonna and Guy Richie, his current wife was quick to say he knows all about divorce lawyers.
Cristiano Ronaldo's Vacation Is Hotter Than Yours
The Cristiano Ronaldo Vacation Show rages on in Italy. Dive in and enjoy!
Birkhead's New Breast Friend
She may not be blonde, but the gal getting flirty with Larry Birkhead last night at One Sunset definitely has two other things in common with his babymama, Anna Nicole.