Shame On CBS
Warning -- If you work for CBS, the Network has no qualms treating you like crap, even if you poured your heart and soul into the company for four decades.
Just incredible that the man whom CBS chose as it's leader, the man who worked harder that just about anyone in journalism, the man who risked his life to cover stories, was trashed by the brass on his last day.
CBS called Rather a "lightning rod for conservative critics" and highlighted "the low point in Rather's career" on its website.
Rather in turn fired back that CBS "had not lived up to their obligation to allow me to do substantive work there." Rather continued, " just isn't me to sit around doing nothing. So I will do the work I love elsewhere."
What is clear to me is that Rather made a clean break and cannot be muzzled by CBS. That's a common tactic when someone leaves, where they strike a deal promising not to say bad things about the network. Clearly, Rather made no such promise or he could not have made such a strong statement.
Even more amazing is the stupidity of CBS, inciting a man like Rather who is not afraid to speak his mind.
I worked for CBS for a decade. I had some good bosses and some who were borderline evil. It seems like evil may have triumphed, at least for now.