Christopher Reeve's Son Will I'm Flying In My Dad's Same Path!!!


Christopher Reeve's son, Will, has a new doc dropping -- where he travels to all the places his dad visited around the globe ... and the journey's made him feel closer to his father.

TMZ caught up with Will ... and he tells us he literally followed in the footsteps of his iconic "Superman" dad -- hitting spots from a tiny Alaskan village to a remote lagoon in Mexico, even linking up with the sons of the men who guided Christopher back in the day for the full experience.

Will tells us the ABC doc "Will Reeve: Finding My Father" has been years in the making ... driven by his desire to experience the adventurous, action-packed life his dad lived before a horse-riding accident incapacitated him.

'Superman' First Trailer Packed with Action, Lovin' ... and Superdog!!!


The first trailer for James Gunn's "Superman" finally arrived ... and it does not disappoint.

Packed with action, Clark Kent and some Lois Lane lovin', plus a ton of action -- fans were immediately freaking out with joy.

David Corenswet dons the red cape this time ... and from the way the trailer opens with a bloodied and beaten Superman -- seems he has his work cut out for him.

Christopher Reeve's Son Will Nerves NOT of Steel During 'Superman' Cameo!!!


Will Reeve was feeling the butterflies filming a cameo for James Gunn's new 'Superman' flick ... even though he's got serious TV chops.

We got the ABC News Correspondent and asked him about his recent experience on the Cleveland, Ohio movie set.

Will, the son of late OG 'Superman' star Christopher Reeve, tells us he was more nervous about his small film role than he's ever been working as a TV newsman.


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A full-circle moment is unfolding on James Gunn's 'Superman' set -- Will Reeve, son of the iconic Christopher Reeve, is flying into the DC Universe with a cameo in Gunn's film.

As you know, Christopher donned the red cape for the 70s and 80s 'Superman' movies ... and, undoubtedly, he would've been thrilled to see these heartwarming pics on X of his youngest son hugging Gunn on set in Cleveland, Ohio, carrying on his legacy.

Unclear what Will's role is exactly, but as you can see, he's dressed to the nines in a slick Clark Kent-style suit while dapping up Gunn, and then giving him a hug -- all while others on set clap, so looks like he had just wrapped filming his scenes.

David Corenswet It's a Bird, It's a Plane ... It's 1st 'Superman' Set Pics!!!

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David Corenswet looks about ready to take flight on the set of the new 'Superman' flick ... 'cause he's out in full costume and looking real beefed up in the first on-set pics.

The actor was donning the classic blue and red suit while filming in Cleveland, OH Monday ... looking picture-perfect as the revamped Man of Steel. David wasn't alone on set ... and his scene partner is sure to get comic book fans excited.

Next to Supes, you can see a glimpse of Edi Gathegi's take on Mister Terrific -- another superhero in the DC Universe, who goes on to join the Justice League. He's in this scene with DC too ... confirming that James Gunn's throwing a lot of superheroes in this movie.

David Corenswet Se muestra en traje como el nuevo Superman ¿Parecido a Cavill?


Por fin podemos ver al nuevo Superman -el cual se suponía iba a aportar un aire totalmente nuevo al personaje- pero la verdad es que se parece mucho a Henry Cavill.

James Gunn dio a conocer la primera foto de David Corenswet en traje como el renovado Hombre de Acero para su próxima entrega de "Superman", la cual se supone que va a marcar su primera incursión real como jefe de DC, y aunque se ve bastante bien, creemos que se parece demasiado al Superman de Cavill.

¿La razón?, Dave y su atuendo son muy similares al que Henry solía llevar en sus películas, y francamente no se nota la gran diferencia por ninguna parte.

David Corenswet Shown in Costume as New Superman Lookin' a Little Cavill-y???

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We're finally getting a look at the new Superman -- who was supposed to bring a whole new vibe to the character ... but who's actually coming across very much so like Henry Cavill.

James Gunn unveiled the first set photo of David Corenswet in costume as the revamped Man of Steel for his upcoming 'Superman' film -- which is supposed to mark his first real foray into DC as the head honcho ... and while it's cool to see, it's also drawing flashbacks.

The reason ... Dave and his Supes getup is, well, awfully similar to what Henry used to rock in his movies -- and frankly, David looks a helluva lot like HC in general here. It's kinda eerie.

Henry Cavill Sí, mi novia está embarazada... Tus ojos no te engañan!!!


Henry Cavill y su novia tenían a todo el mundo pensando si estaba embarazada o no, después de salir frente a las cámaras este fin de semana, y ahora Cavill ha confirmado que es cierto.

El actor y su prometida Natalie Viscuso fueron fotografiados en Nueva York el domingo, donde el vientre de Nat sobresalía notablemente, aparentemente mostrando una barriguita de bebé. Por supuesto, nadie quiso ser grosero y presumir que ese era el caso, al menos al principio.

El lunes, durante el estreno de la nueva película de Henry Cavill, Access Hollywood finalmente le preguntó al respecto directamente, pero lo hizo de una manera un tanto disimulada, dándolo más como un hecho.

Henry Cavill Yep, My GF is Pregnant ... Your Eyes Aren't Deceiving You!!!

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Henry Cavill and his girlfriend had everyone thinking she had a bun in the oven after stepping out in front of cameras this weekend ... which he's now confirmed as true.

The actor and SO (and soon-to-be baby mama) Natalie Viscuso were photographed in NYC Sunday ... where Nat's belly was noticeably protruding, seemingly showing off a baby bump. Of course, nobody wanted to be rude and presume that to be the case ... at least at first.

On Monday -- during the premiere of HC's new movie -- Access Hollywood finally just asked him about it straight up ... but did so in a somewhat sneaky way, stating it more so as fact.

David Corenswet Poniéndose en forma para "Superman: Legacy"

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El chico que ha sido elegido para interpretar a Superman en una nueva entrega ha parecido un poco desgarbado y torpe para algunos desde que se anunció su casting ... Pero ya no.

David Corenswet, quien va a interpretar al Hombre de Acero en la próxima película de James Gunn "Superman: Legacy" fue fotografiado en un gimnasio por el entrenador Paolo Mascitti, quien ha estado trabajando con David para que se vea más guapo y más guapo en el papel.

Si nos basamos en lo que vemos aquí, su régimen parece estar funcionando porque Dave se ve espectacular.

En estas fotos no se ve su cara, pero definitivamente nos podemos hacer una idea de cómo se está formando su cuerpo, y ciertamente se ve un poco más como Superman que antes.

Por cierto, no había nada malo con cómo estaba antes, especialmente debajo del ombligo, pero digamos que no estaba ni de lejos lo musculoso que está ahora.

Ahora que Dave parece tener el físico de Clark Kent... parece que está marcando todas las casillas que los fans de la franquicia quieren ver en su Superman. Definitivamente tiene la cara y el pelo en su sitio, por no hablar de la altura, y ahora también está musculoso.

El tiempo dirá qué aspecto tendrá finalmente con el traje azul y rojo, pero esta es una señal de que las cosas van por buen camino. Está previsto que el rodaje de "Superman: Legacy" comience en la primavera de 2024 y la película se estrenará en el verano de 2025.

Henry Cavill, ¡come tu corazón!

David Corenswet Getting Jacked for 'Superman: Legacy' Gym'n It Up for the Tights!!!

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The guy who's been tapped to play Superman in the new installment has looked a bit gangly and awkward to some since his casting was announced ... but not anymore.

David Corenswet -- who's playing the Man of Steel in James Gunn's forthcoming 'Superman: Legacy' -- got snapped in a gym pic by fitness trainer Paolo Mascitti ... who's apparently working with DC to get him nice and hunky for the titular role.

Based on what we can see here ... their regimen is working, 'cause Dave's looking swoll!

You don't see the guy's face here -- but you can definitely get a sense of how his body's shaping up ... and he certainly looks a bit more Superman-ly now. It's a bit of a 180 from what we saw earlier this summer, when Dave hit the beach and bared his hot dad bod.

There was certainly nothing wrong with what he was working with then -- especially below the equator -- but let's just say ... he wasn't nearly as muscled out as he is right now.

Now that Dave seems to have the Clark Kent physique down ... it would appear he's checking all the boxes fans of the franchise want to see in their Superman. He definitely has the face and hair department on lock -- not to mention height -- and now ... he's ripped too.

Time will tell what he ultimately looks like in the blue and red suit ... but this is a sign things are headed in the right direction. Filming for 'Superman: Legacy' is set to get underway in Spring 2024 ... and the flick's being released in Summer 2025.

Henry Cavill ... eat your heart out!

'Bipolar General' Author Combat Triggered My Disorder ... Hidden Danger for Troops


A decorated 40-year veteran is opening up about how combat missions forever changed his brain function, and he says his experience is a cautionary tale for all service members and the doctors who treat them.

We talked to General Gregg F. Martin Tuesday on "TMZ Live" about his just-released memoir, "Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness" ... which chronicles his personal battle. As he explains -- bipolar disorder can actually develop over time.

Conventional wisdom is bipolarity is something you inherit, but Gen. Martin says it's not that simple. He says doctors told him the gene for bipolar disorder was dormant in his brain, until the stressors of repeated combat missions in Iraq triggered it.

The General says his manic episodes were devastating ... and, in some cases, he literally thought he was Superman. It wasn't until he was diagnosed as bipolar, 11 years after leaving Iraq, that he got on the right meds and learned how combat impacts the brain's biochemistry.

Gen. Martin says he's not alone -- far too many vets in this country have gone through the same situation ... but he adds the Veterans' Affairs Department is aware, and on the lookout for symptoms of bipolar disorder among combat troops.

He's hoping his story brings the issue to the forefront and destigmatizes the topic of mental health within the military.

'Bipolar General' is on bookshelves everywhere and available for purchase online too.

David Corenswet Total Package as Superman!!!

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David Corenswet has been anointed the new Superman, and judging from these pics, he's got more than just bulging biceps.

Folks on the bird app are goin' gaga over the new man of steel ... DC is now dubbed, "Big D*** Superman."

The pics were shot last October in San Pedro, CA. when David was filming the upcoming flick, "The Greatest Hits," with Lucy Boynton.

What's really impressive ... in October the water's really cold, so ....

David Corenswet Superman Casting Draws Comparison Ain't He a Young Cavill???

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There's a new Superman in town, but a lot of people are experiencing déjà vu after giving him a once-over ... 'cause the dude looks a hell of a lot like Henry Cavill.

29-year-old David Corenswet was tapped Tuesday to portray the Man of Steel in James Gunn's forthcoming "Superman: Legacy" ... which is a complete reboot of the franchise, and clearly a pivot toward a younger Clark Kent. Rachel Brosnahan's playing the new Lois Lane.

Corenswet and Brosnahan's casting got a lot of positive feedback -- especially for him. Frankly, folks seem to think he channels Superman quite well, not just in look but in height too. The guy's 6'4", and is the tallest actor to play Supes since the late Christopher Reeve.

And yes, based on his work in other stuff he's done in showbiz thus far -- "Hollywood," "Pearl," "We Own This City," etc. -- he definitely emanates Kal-El energy. Just look at him!

However, there's also a fair amount of fans who are pointing out the obvious ... namely, his passing resemblance to the last guy who played Superman -- one Mr. Cavill. Sure, he's not necessarily a dead ringer for Henry ... but some feel he's close enough, and they're questioning why Gunn went with someone so similar looking if he wanted a true change.


Of course, with that comparison ... there are gripes, especially from diehards who really wanted Henry back in the tights (AKA, Snyderverse devotees). But, as others have pointed out in the pushback to the "outrage" ... all the Superman actors kinda look like each other.

It's a good point, and not just that ... but Corenswet did seem to be a fan fave in the lead-up to the announcement. Other actors in the running included Tom Brittney and Nicholas Hoult -- but in the end, it seems DC won James and co. over with his audition/screen tests.

Henry himself certainly appears to be over the Superman drama -- this after he was dramatically dropped after briefly being assured he'd be coming back ... but he hasn't commented on Dave taking up the mantle just yet.

Corenswet might look a bit like Cavill, but time will tell if his performance is any different. It's a bird, it's a plane -- it's a new day in comic book movies. Out with the old, as they say.

Henry Cavill Might've Been James Bond ... If Not for Daniel Craig!!!


Henry Cavill apparently might've had the role of James Bond locked up in the 2000s -- and he would've gotten away with it too ... if it wasn't for that meddling Daniel Craig.

This revelation was made courtesy of Martin Campbell -- the director of "Casino Royale," which was the first new Bond movie to feature DC post-Pierce Brosnan. According to him, not only did Henry throw his hat in the ring for the coveted role ... but he was a real contender.

Here's what Campbell had to say about HC's audition way back when ... "He looked great in the audition. His acting was tremendous. And look, if Daniel didn’t exist Henry would have made an excellent Bond."

Campbell adds, "He looked terrific, he was in great physical shape … very handsome, very chiseled. He just looked a little young at that time back then."

Now, while Campbell notes that Henry wasn't his personal favorite at the time out of the final group being considered -- he still concedes ... the dude certainly could've done it. Unfortunately, Craig rolled through and gave it a shot -- and ended up landing the gig.

Now on the prospect of Henry potentially circling back and snagging the role of 007 now, Campbell addresses what most everyone else has said about HC at this point ... namely, he's kinda considered a geyser by Hollywood standards, especially for a multi-year commitment.

He explains that Craig spent a good decade-plus playing Bond -- and that sort of time could start to become noticeable on an actor like Henry, who's already in his 40s. MC continues ... "Henry’s 40, so by the time he’s done the third one he’s going to be 50 and anything beyond that’s two, three years per Bond. He’s in good shape Henry, he’s a good guy."

As for Henry ... he's said he'd be down to do it even now. And after everything at DC, we're sure a chance like that would certainly be appreciated by him. We'll see what they do!

Dean Cain Check Out My New Vegas Mansion ... Deuces, California!!!


Superman has officially landed in Sin City, Dean Cain has scooped up a super stunning home outside Las Vegas ... after he swore off living in California.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Dean closed the deal on his new pad on May 26, dropping just under $4M in the deal.

The 5-bedroom, 7-bathroom home comes with all your high-profile entertainment needs like a a movie theater, glass wine cellar and game room. It's even got an elevator if you don't feel like walking up or downstairs and wanna save some energy for the nearby Vegas Strip.

Speaking of The Strip, the master suite comes with a spa bath, and steam shower ... and incredible views of some of the world's most famous casinos.

If Dean feels like taking things outdoors, there's an infinity edge pool, spa, built-in outdoor bar and kitchen ... as well as fire bowls and a waterfall. And get this ... the home has a walk-on-water entrance and a 360 degree roof deck to take in even more views.

As we reported, Dean unloaded his Malibu home last month for a whopping $6.25M. Earlier this week, he told Fox News he was forced to leave the Golden State because of the homeless crisis and what he calls, "soft-on-crime policies."

Dean says the move has been great for his family and his son is "ten times happier in Las Vegas."