The video you would never admit to wanting to see -- but secretly were DYING to watch -- has finally made its way online ... the "Fear Factor" donkey semen stunt!!!!!
For those of you not up on your donkey semen history ... the stunt was originally supposed to air as part of an episode in January ... but NBC execs got cold feet and yanked the controversial episode from their schedule.
Luckily, TV execs in Denmark had the balls to air the stunt this week.
And yes, watching a woman drink a 24-ounce glass of donkey semen ... while her twin sister chugs donkey urine ... is EXACTLY as disgusting as you would think.
The twins who took part in the infamous donkey semen/urine stunt on "Fear Factor" that never aired are now being courted by an adult website -- but don't worry ... there are no animals involved.
Twins Brynne and Claire Odioso -- who drank the urine and semen, respectively -- have been offered a gig by the folks at ... a website where girls get on camera and chat about politics (or something like that).
The site wants the girls to join their team, where they will have "the platform and tools to earn $50,000 or more quickly in a respectful and empowering environment."
"Fear Factor" staffers aren't just pissed NBC execs pulled the plug on their donkey semen episode because it's hilarious -- they're pissed because ANOTHER stunt on the show was extremely expensive to stage ... and now it's going to waste.
Sources connected with the show tell TMZ, in addition to the donkey semen stunt -- contestants had to jump a car through a moving train ... a stunt that cost roughly $150,000 to put together ... and now, will never see the light of day.
On top of the train disappointment -- we're told some staffers were baffled by NBC's decision to yank the episode ... because the semen challenge was "hands down the nastiest concept" out of the bunch of other stunts that were killed BEFORE coming to fruition.
As one source put it, "There's lots of other gross stuff, but how do you top donkey semen?" A good question.
The honchos over at "Fear Factor" are threatening contestants with possible lawsuits if they dare speak out about the donkey semen contest that NBC refused to air.
Claire Odioso -- one of the contestants who drank a glass of the sperm on the show -- got a threatening call this AM, after execs saw a video of her talking about the stunt posted on our website.
We're told the exec put the kibosh on Claire appearing on TMZ Live today, and further told her if she dared to say another word about animal spunk, they would enforce the confidentiality agreement and sic their lawyers on her.
And we're told ... the other contestants on the show have been warned not to utter a word.
What exactly did "Fear Factor" producers expect -- when they make contestants drink donkey semen, it generally becomes a topic of conversation.
The chick who chugged donkey baby batter on "Fear Factor" tells TMZ ... the act DOES NOT constitute bestiality ... despite the sexual manner in which the elixir was harvested.
TMZ spoke with Claire -- the smokin' hot chick at the heart of the donkey controversy ... who tells us she and her twin sister Brynne are "proud" they rose to the challenge on the show, even though NBC pulled the episode.
We asked if there's a difference between the FF stunt and bestiality porn, to which they replied, "There's a large difference ... no sexual acts involved."
When we asked Claire (who drank the semen) and Brynne (who drank urine) if they would do it again ... they answered, "Probably, we are proud of what we did."
One of the "Fear Factor" contestants who drank donkey semen is finally breaking her silence -- claiming her spunk-chugging experience "was the hardest 15 minutes of my life."
Twins Brynne and Claire Odioso -- who competed on the episode -- called in to the Cowhead Show in Tampa today, describing the donkey splooge-o-rama in graphic detail.
According to Brynne, the twins got to choose who downed the semen and who drank the donkey urine -- Claire pulled the short straw.
According to Claire, producers left the semen sitting out all day in the hot sun -- and by the time she got to drinking it, it was boiling hot ... which made the smell unbearable.
Claire said it was extremely bitter going down ... "with hints of hay" -- and she vomited several times before successfully drinking the entire glass.
As for how the donkey stuff compares to the human variety -- Claire added, "It's a lot thicker."
Donkey semen will not be served on network TV tomorrow night -- the"Fear Factor" episode featuring the stunt has been yanked ... at least according to a website where NBC posts its media releases.
The controversial episode is entitled, "Hee Haw! Hee Haw!" An NBC media release teased it by saying the contestants will eat "the unimaginable."
But the NBC website no longer lists that episode as airing tomorrow ... and instead lists a repeat of an episode entitled "Snake Bite" -- which first aired on January 2.
We also checked two channel guides -- one in LA and one in NYC -- and both now list the repeat instead of the one with the donkey semen stunt. Additionally, promos for the episode are no longer posted anywhere on the Internet.
TMZ broke the story ... NBC had given 'FF' producers the thumbs up on airing the episode -- but according to our sources honchos at NBC and its parent company, Comcast, started having second thoughts after TMZ published details of the challenge.
We've made several calls to reps at NBC, Comcast, and Endemol -- which produces 'FF' -- but so far ... radio silence.
The good people at the peacock just got back to us -- NBC Entertainment Chairman Bob Greenblatt says, "I reviewed the episode late last week and decided it was a segment we should not air."
Sources at the network tell us Comcast was not involved in the decision.
The world may never see "Fear Factor" contestants chugging donkey semen -- corporate heads at NBC and its parent company Comcast are having serious 11th hour talks about pulling the episode.
As TMZ first reported, contestants on the show -- shot last summer -- are challenged to drink a glass of donkey semen (and one of urine) ... and several of them did. The episode is scheduled to air Monday night.
According to our sources, some execs are getting cold feet, and discussions are ongoing this weekend about whether to air the episode. No word on their exact concerns, but an educated guess would be ... taste.
We've reached out to reps for NBC, Comcast, and Endemol -- the producers of FF ... so far, no word back.
Some staffers here at TMZ say they'd actually do the "Fear Factor" donkey semen challenge ... for the $50,000 prize, of course. But first, they have a few important questions ... brace yourself.
The "Fear Factor" donkey semen challenge isn't only gross for the contestants ... it's also really bad PR for donkeys everywhere -- that's according to the preeminent donkey advocacy group.
Like most people who read our post ... the American Donkey & Mule Society had a visceral reaction to the news. The ADMS President tells us they don't "condone use of the animals in such a manner."
She added, "We feel this is a negative event and was not well thought out by the producers."
For the record, we've spoken with other sources in the donkey community ... who tell us no one should try this stunt at home because the "long term effects of drinking donkey sperm are unknown."
Short-term effects? We're guessing loss of friends and uncontrollable vomiting -- or maybe that's just us.
"Fear Factor" producers' plans to serve fresh glasses of donkey semen to contestants on the next episode had NBC execs so concerned ... they gave serious thought to killing the stunt, TMZ has learned.
Sources involved in the production tell us the stomach-churning stunt was shot last summer -- but NBC honchos were having a tough time swallowing this one as the air date approached.
We're told the challenge involved teams of twins drinking the full glass of donkey semen -- with a glass of urine thrown in for good measure. Contestants had to drain both glasses in order to move on to the next round.
Our sources say NBC execs had multiple pow-wows in the months after the stunt was shot ... but eventually gave FF producers the thumbs up.
Calls to NBC were not immediately returned.
The episode airs this coming Monday -- and yes, we're told multiple contestants actually do (gulp) drink up.