
Una mujer que estuvo en el lugar del incendio en la casa de Tyreek Hill la semana pasada parecía querer apagar las llamas por sí misma… pero fue advertida por las autoridades que sería una mala idea.

La conversación se puede escuchar en el recién publicado audio del 911, obtenido por TMZ Sports … Cuando una mujer no identificada le dijo al remitente que se había desatado un incendio en la mansión en Florida del astro de la NFL.

En la llamada, se escucha a la mujer explicando que había un incendio en la casa… antes de preguntar, “¿Debería echar agua allí?”


Sin embargo, el oficial comentó: “No. Necesito que saque a todos afuera. Necesito que lleguen a un lugar seguro.”

Quien llamó finalmente salió de la casa… antes de preguntar nuevamente si debería intentar apagar el fuego por sí misma.

“No intente apagar el fuego”, se escucha al remitente diciéndole, “y no saque nada que esté ardiendo, ¿de acuerdo?”.

Durante la llamada, la mujer hizo referencia al tamaño del infierno… diciendo en un momento, “se está volviendo más grande y más grande”.

Afortunadamente, señaló que “nadie está herido” y “todo está bien”.

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Los bomberos llegaron eventualmente al lugar y apagaron las llamas aproximadamente una hora después. Hill no estaba presente en el momento en que comenzó el incendio, aunque dejó temprano la práctica de los Miami Dolphins para hacerse cargo del problema.

En cuanto a la causa del incendio, las autoridades dijeron la semana pasada que un niño que jugaba con un encendedor lo causó accidentalmente.

A pesar de la distracción, Hill continuó jugando en el crucial juego de los Dolphins contra los Bills el domingo por la noche, y logró una anotación.

El marido de Gypsy Rose Blanchard la recoge de la cárcel con un equipo de cámaras

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard ya no está tras las rejas y TMZ tiene el primer vistazo a su recogida de la cárcel. Se puede ver su marido con un equipo de cámaras documentando todos sus movimientos.

La famosa delincuente fue puesta en libertad condicional el jueves temprano, y cuando salió del Centro Correccional en Chillicothe, fue recibida por su marido, Ryan Scott Anderson.

Gypsy quería mantener a los medios de comunicación alejados de la prisión y se marchó en un carro, pero no rehúye a la cámara de Ryan. Después de todo, ella es el tema de un próximo documental de Lifetime.

Ryan, un profesor de Louisiana que se casó con Gypsy en la cárcel el año pasado, capturó a su esposa gozando de su libertad luego de pasar siete años tras rejas y luego él y el fotógrafo volvieron al hotel unas horas más tarde, sin Gypsy.

Como te dijimos por primera vez, la liberación de Gypsy era supersecreta, a los medios de comunicación y a los fans no se les permitió en las instalaciones y el estacionamiento estaba fuera de los límites también.

Sin embargo, Ryan y su fotógrafo tenían el ticket de oro, su carro se destacó en el estacionamiento vacío, y no solo por la matrícula personalizada "Hitman", un homenaje al famoso luchador de la WWE.

La vuelta a casa de Gypsy ha sido muy esperada, recordemos fue condenada a una década entre rejas en 2016 al ser declarada culpable del asesinato de su madre, Dee Dee Blanchard, quien fue acusada de obligar a Gypsy a fingir ser discapacitada durante años.

El entonces novio de Gypsy, Nick Godejohn, admitió haber asesinado a Dee Dee en 2015 para ayudar a Gypsy a escapar de las garras de su madre y todavía está cumpliendo cadena perpetua.

Como hemos informado, a Gypsy se concedió la libertad condicional en septiembre y su liberación del jueves llega tres años antes de su fecha de liberación original.

El caso de Gypsy capturó la atención de la nación y dio lugar a un documentalnb de HBO y una serie de Hulu, aunque su historia será contada ahora en sus propias palabras gracias al nuevo documental de tres partes, "Las confesiones de prisión de Gypsy Rose Blanchard". Por eso el equipo de cámara en esta oportunidad.

El documental, que se estrenará a principios de 2024, relatará la boda de Gypsy y Ryan en la cárcel, mientras que también destacará los primeros días de su vida post-prisión, ¡incluyendo un viaje para ver a los Kansas City Chiefs de la NFL con la esperanza de conocer a Taylor Swift!


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Gypsy Rose Blanchard is no longer behind bars and TMZ has the first look at her prison pickup ... featuring her husband and a camera crew documenting her every move.

The famous felon was freed on parole early Thursday, and when she departed Chillicothe Correctional Center in Chillicothe, MO she was greeted by a familiar face ... her hubby, Ryan Scott Anderson.

Gypsy wanted to keep media away from the prison, and she left in a car ... but she's not shying away from Ryan's camera guy. After all, she's the subject of an upcoming Lifetime doc.

Ryan, a teacher from Louisiana who married Gypsy in prison last year, captured his wife's first taste of freedom after her 7 years behind bars ... and then he and the photog went back to their hotel a few hours later, without Gypsy.

As we first told you, Gypsy's release was super secretive ... media and fans weren't allowed on the premises, and the parking lot was off limits too.

Ryan and his photog had the golden ticket though ... his car stood out in the empty parking lot, and not just because of the personalized 'Hitman' license plate -- a tribute to the famous WWE wrestler.


Gypsy's homecoming has been eagerly anticipated ... remember, she was was sentenced to a decade behind bars back in 2016 being convicted in the murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard -- who was accused of forcing Gypsy to pretend to be disabled for years.

Gypsy's then-boyfriend, Nick Godejohn, admitted to murdering Dee Dee in 2015 to help GRB escape her mother's clutches -- and he's still serving a life sentence.

As we reported ... Gypsy was granted parole in September, and her release on Thursday comes 3 years before her original release date.

Gypsy's case captured the nation's attention and spawned an HBO doc and a Hulu series ... though her story will now be told in her own words thanks to the new 3-part doc, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard." Hence the camera crew here.

Set to debut in early 2024, the doc will chronicle Gypsy and Ryan's prison wedding ... while also highlighting the early days of her post-prison life ... including a trip to see the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs in hopes of meeting Taylor Swift!

Michael Oher Aware Tuohys Were Conservators ... Wrote About In 2011 Book

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Michael Oher knew the Tuohy family were his "legal conservators" in 2011, despite claiming in legal docs that he just became aware this February ... and the proof is in the former NFL star's own book.

Oher wrote "I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness, to The Blind Side, and Beyond" -- a memoir that was released in 2011 -- and specifically talked about the legal relationship he had with the family.

"It kind of felt like a formality, as I'd been a part of the family for more than a year at that point. Since I was already over the age of eighteen and considered an adult by the state of Tennessee, Sean and Leigh Anne would be named as my 'legal conservators,'" Oher said.

Michael continued ... "They explained to me that it means pretty much the exact same thing as 'adoptive parents,' but that the laws were just written in a way that took my age into account. Honestly, I didn't care what it was called. I was just happy that no one could argue that we weren't legally what we already knew was real: We were a family."

Of course, it seemingly puts a hole in Oher's story. Just this week he claimed in legal documents filed in Tennessee that he only found out about the conservatorship in early 2023 ... a move his attorney alleges the Tuohy's pulled to gain "total control over Michael Oher's ability to negotiate for or enter any contract."

His beef with Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy centers around money he claims they earned from the hit movie, "The Blind Side" ... of which he says he got nothing.

However, the Tuohy's issued a statement refuting Oher's claims across the board -- forcefully denying they got rich from the film, and saying they never misled Michael about the conservatorship.

Oher's attorney asked for an accounting of money the family made through contracts negotiated on his behalf ... in what appeared to be a precursor to a lawsuit.

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It'll be interesting to see what happens now that the book has resurfaced, since Oher clearly knew of the conservatorship.

We covered it all in a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Ariel Winter I'm Finally Free!

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Ariel Winter's long battle to be free from her mother is finally over -- she's been emancipated.

The 17-year-old "Modern Family" star has been estranged from her mother, Chrystal Workman since 2012 ... and was removed from the home after allegations of abuse.

Winter was overjoyed at the news, writing, "I am now officially emancipated!!! I'm really lucky I have an amazing support system and lovely people in my life who have given me the support and guidance to have been given this wonderful opportunity."

Winter also thanked her sister, Shanelle Gray ... with whom she's been living. Ariel remained close with her father throughout the ordeal ... and earlier this month posted a photo with him before heading off to her prom.

Ariel Winter Breaks Down in Court During Mom's Sappy Home Video

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"Modern Family" star Ariel Winter broke down in tears in court just moments ago ... after her mom played a schmaltzy home video of Ariel's childhood memories.

Chrystal Workman played the video for the courtroom as a weird last ditch effort to get her daughter to change her mind about living with her older sister Shanelle ... instead of with her mom.

Chrystal told the court she would relinquish her bid to reclaim her parental rights over Ariel -- after a judge stripped her of custody in 2012 -- if Ariel agreed to watch the video ... which she did.

The home video contained piano instrumentals and pictures from Ariel's childhood -- as a baby, from school, of the whole family together, and more.

Ariel, Shanelle, Chrystal, and several other members of the Workman family were in tears as the video played -- but Ariel didn't change her mind ... and the judge signed off on Shanelle's permanent guardianship.

As we reported, Ariel had accused her mom back in 2012 of emotionally and physically abusing her. Ariel's been living with her older sister Shanelle ever since.

'Modern Family' Creator Allegedly Uses Show Stationery To Free Ariel

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"Modern Family" creator Steve Levitan is being dragged into Ariel Winter's gnarly custody battle ... and it's all because Steve allegedly wrote a letter to authorities saying she should be free -- ON "MODERN FAMILY" LETTERHEAD!

Ariel's mom Chrystal Workman filed court docs claiming Levitan recently wrote an emancipation letter to dependency court on her daughter's behalf -- and claims he had the nerve to write it on the show's stationery.

Workman says she wants to grill him in court for sticking his nose in family business.

We reached out to Levitan ... but he had no comment.

Ariel Winter My Broken Family Can't Be Fixed

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"Modern Family" star Ariel Winter says she will never have a relationship again with her mom and her older brother ... this according to one of her text messages.

The text -- obtained by TMZ -- was filed in Ariel's guardianship case. She was texting her older brother Jimmy who has sided with their mother in the battle over Ariel.

Ariel, who is now under the guardianship of her sister, wrote, "How dare you say you miss me ... if you really wanted to see anyone and cared, you'd do a 180."

And then she goes in for the kill: "I'm sorry, what we've been through can't be fixed."

Ariel's mom filed the document, trying to prove Ariel suffers from PAS -- Parental Alienation Syndrome -- and their family is being destroyed as a result of the guardianship.

Ariel Winter's Mom Gunning for Entire 'Modern Family' Cast

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Ariel Winter's mom wants to drag the entire cast of "Modern Family" into a custody war ... trying to force them on the stand and tell the judge she's not a terrible mother.

Chrystal Workman wants a small village of witnesses to testify, including Ed O'Neill, Julie Bowen, Sofia Vergara, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Angela Gould and Diane Rodriguez.

Workman also wants ABC Network Prez Paul Lee and show producer Steve Levitan.

In all, Workman wants to call 83 witnesses.

And get this ... she doesn't have a lawyer so she would be grilling them herself.

If it happens ... Ariel will turn 18 before the trial is over. Thing is ... the judge has pretty much made it clear ... ain't gonna happen.

Ariel Winter Keep Your Hands Off My Money, Mommie Dearest

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"Modern Family" star Ariel Winter's mother got caught with her hand in the cookie jar ... allegedly breaking a court order by handling thousands of dollars worth of paychecks intended for her daughter.

Ariel's father Glenn Workman filed court docs claiming Chrystal Workman cashed one of Ariel's residual checks for $4,266.79 -- but here's the thing ... he's NOT accusing her of stealing the money.

According to the docs, Chrystal immediately deposited the money into an account for Ariel's production company. However, Ariel's dad says the 2012 agreement that gave him sole control of Ariel's finances prevents Chrystal from having anything to do with their daughter's earnings.

Glenn's worried Chrystal might have even fatter checks in her possession -- such as Ariel's "Modern Family" cheddar.

He's asking the court for a cease and desist order ... forcing her to hand over all checks, and blocking her from doing it again.

Ariel Winter Back In Court Fighting Mom Now Dad's On My Side, Too

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"Modern Family" star Ariel Winter now says her father is taking HER side -- opposing her mother, Chrystal Workman, in the battle over Ariel.

Ariel says in court docs -- obtained by TMZ -- daddy Glenn is happy that her big sis Shanelle is Ariel's guardian. Up to this point Glenn sided with his estranged wife.

Ariel doesn't say why her dad has flip-flopped, but it's interesting ... he's not asking to become the responsible parent. He's happy that Shanelle has assumed that role.

There was a hearing today ... nothing set in stone, but the judge said when everyone goes to court to fight it out over who gets custody of Ariel ... his inclination is that Ariel should NOT be forced to testify, because she's a 15-year-old girl and forcing her on the stand could be psychologically detrimental.


Ariel Winter's Mom DUMPED By Lawyer She's Too Difficult

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Ariel Winter's mom now has a fool for a client -- herself -- because her lawyer just quit.

In legal docs, obtained by TMZ, attorney Roy Penuela says there's been a fundamental disagreement between him and Chrystal Workman ... so he wants out.

Chrystal is fighting to regain custody of the "Modern Family" star, who is now under the care of her older sister after claims of physical and emotional abuse.

Penuela says Chrystal has made it "unreasonably difficult" for him to do his job. He's also apparently pissed over attorney's fees.

Score one for Ariel.

Ariel Winter's Mom I Want to Grill Ariel's Shrink About Oral Sex Chat

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Chrystal Workman says authorities falsely accused her of talking oral sex to her daughter, "Modern Family" star Ariel Winter -- and she wants to get to the bottom of the claims by putting Ariel's psychiatrist and her attorney on the hot seat.

In her latest legal filing, Chrystal says she wants her attorneys to depose the doc and lawyer in order to defend herself against allegations of sexual abuse she believes Ariel made against her.

According to the docs, 2 investigators from the Department of Children and Family Services interviewed Chrystal on June 19, 2013 -- and asked her if she ever had a conversation with Ariel regarding oral sex with her boyfriend.

In the papers, Chrystal also alleges the DCFS investigators asked if she'd ever given Ariel a very graphic demonstration regarding how to use Monistat 7.

We are paraphrasing, and heavily, because Chrystal's own words in the papers are just that graphic.

Chrystal claims DCFS cleared her of all the allegations of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.

The upshot ... she now thinks she deserves the right to grill Ariel's attorney and psychiatrist as part of her defense.

The big thing standing in Chrystal's way, of course, is a little something called attorney-client privilege and physician-client privilege.

Ariel Winter Mother Says Ariel Claimed Sexual Abuse

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Chrystal Workman continues making shocking claims in her bid to undo the court ruling that stripped her of custody of her daughter, Ariel Winter ... now she's raising strange allegations of sexual molestation.

Workman filed legal docs, obtained by TMZ, in which she claims her 15-year-old daughter has accused her of "sexual abuse or sexual molestation." Workman says, "I adamantly deny these accusations."

Here's the problem ... The "Modern Family" star has never hinted at sexual molestation in her guardianship case. She has only alleged physical and emotional abuse, so it's confounding as to why Workman is denying something that was never raised in court.

It's possible Workman is inartfully referring to an allegation by Ariel's boyfriend, Cameron Palatas, who said in his deposition, "Chrystal had wanted me to sleep in Ariel's bed." Palatas was an adult at the time.

But there's more ... Workman also claims her other daughter gave her cancer. Workman says of Shanelle Gray, who now has legal guardianship of Ariel, "I believe the reason I got cancer was from the stress of the situation Shanelle put me through of missing my child when she was not there..."

Ariel Winter's Brother If Mom Can't Have Custody Give It To Me!

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Ariel Winter's older brother has just filed legal docs asking to strip custody of the 15-year-old "Modern Family" actress from her sister ... and award it to him instead ... claiming the sis is an abysmal guardian.

Jimmy Workman -- who played Pugsley Addams in the 90s "Addams Family" movies -- filed the docs in L.A., calling Ariel's older sister Shanelle Gray a bad role model who sexualizes Ariel ... and exploits Ariel's fame and money to promote her acting school.

Jimmy says Shanelle has a history with drugs, has appeared in public "almost nude revealing her private parts," and is having Ariel spend exorbitant amounts of money on a party lifestyle.

What's worse ... Jimmy says Shanelle is poisoning Ariel against her family, especially her mother Chrystal Workman.

Since the court has refused to return custody to Chrystal -- after Ariel accused her of being emotionally abusive -- Jimmy is now asking for custody to be transferred to him.

Shanelle's lawyer Mike Kretzmer tells TMZ, "The allegations are nothing new. We will handle them in court. Shanelle has taken excellent care of Ariel to date. It's interesting how Jimmy and Chrystal talk about repairing their fractured family, and then make allegations like this."

For the record, Ariel has basically said she wants nothing to do with her mom and loves being with Shanelle. A court date has been set for October.

Ariel Winter's Mom Loses Bid to Reunite With Daughter

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Ariel Winter's mother Chrystal Workman won't get the chance to reunite with her daughter ... at least for the foreseeable future, TMZ has learned.

Chrystal filed docs recently asking to get her daughter back -- after the court stripped her of custody last year -- but the judge in the case refused ... extending the temporary guardianship of Ariel's older sister Shanelle instead.

You'll recall, Shanelle has been Ariel's guardian since last year, when Chrystal lost custody over allegations that she was emotionally abusive to the 15-year-old "Modern Family" actress.

According to the new court order, Chrystal "presented no evidence that there were any changes or repair of damage to their relationship" -- which has completely fallen apart -- so the judge shot her down.

As we reported, Ariel wants nothing to do with Chrystal whatsoever, and says she loves being with her sister.

Per the order, Ariel will stay under Shanelle's guardianship ... at least pending the outcome of Chrystal's custody trial in September.