Malia Obama Makes Music Video Debut Dancing, Playing Harmonica
Malia Obama Rocks Out in Music Video ... Dances, Plays Mouth Harp

Malia Obama made her onscreen debut in a music video ... which is very Harvard-centric.
Malia dances and plays the harmonica in the video, "Walking on Air." The band -- New Dakotas -- is comprised of 4 members, all of whom attend Harvard.
She appears at 1:41 and again at 2:01 in the video.
The dudes in the band are seniors ... in the class if '19. Malia's a sophomore and is set to graduate in 2021.
This isn't the former First Daughter's entre into showbiz. She was a P.A. on Halle Berry's sci-fi drama "Extant." She also interned for Harvey Weinstein's company in NYC.
Seems like it runs in the fam ... her parents have inked a super sweet deal with Nexflix.