Ronda Rousey to Quentin Tarantino, Put Me In 'Kill Bill 3'!
Ronda Rousey Hey, Quentin Tarantino ... Put Me In 'Kill Bill 3'!!!

With Ronda Rousey's movie career taking off, the UFC legend says she's aiming high -- and wants a very specific role if Quentin Tarantino goes forward with a 3rd installment of "Kill Bill."
We got Rousey in NYC where she was promoting her new flick "Mile 22" -- where she stars alongside Mark Wahlberg and John Malkovich. Ronda thinks the movie has a real shot to win an Oscar.
But, moving forward, Rousey says she REALLY wants to play a "grown-up B.B. in 'Kill Bill 3.'"
Of course, B.B. was Beatrix Kiddo's (Uma Thurman) daughter in the original movies.
Tarantino has talked about possibly making a 3rd 'K.B.' flick -- but there's nothing in the works.
... at least, not yet.