Lena Dunham Says She Wasn't Serious About Writing a 'Roseanne' Spin-off
Lena Dunham JK on the 'Roseanne' Spin-off ... I'm Busy Right Now!

Lena Dunham was apparently yanking our chain when she said she'd be down to write a new show for the remaining characters on "Roseanne." Joke's on us.
We got the "Girls" creator -- who acted in and wrote for the HBO show -- at LAX Thursday, where we asked if she was serious about her Twitter offer to "do the spin off of your show starring Darlene's cool kids."
Lena had retweeted Mindy Kaling, who offered to "write things" for John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf -- just a couple of the many folks who are now out of a job after ABC pulled the plug. As you might've heard, Roseanne's racist tweet completely tanked the show.
Welp ... turns out Lena is NOT actually interested at the moment. She tells our photog, on a scale of 0-10 as far as seriousness ... it's at the very bottom.
False alarm, everyone. Carry on.