Racist Lawyer Aaron Schlossberg Razzed by Protesters Outside His Apartment
Racist Lawyer Aaron Schlossberg Serenaded in Spanish By Street Protesters

Aaron Schlossberg -- the Manhattan lawyer who went viral for his anti-Latino rant at a sandwich shop -- hasn't been getting much peace and quiet since then ... even at his own apartment.
A group of protesters gathered on the street outside Schlossberg's building Friday and jeered him with signs, chants of "Si Se Puede" (Yes We Can), and Daddy Yankee's "Gasolina."
We're told the owner of nearby restaurant Jade Sixty is the guy who supplied the crowd with Chinese tacos. Other business owners in the area are joining in too -- including the bar American Whiskey, which is offering free tequila shots and blaring tunes in Spanish all night.
It's been a bad week for Schlossberg since the video of him berating Fresh Kitchen employees for speaking Spanish and threatening to call ICE on them went viral. His law firm's Yelp page got spammed with 1-star reviews, his office lease was terminated ... and now this.
Too bad, hombre.