Shaun White Crushes Kelly Slater's Epic Surf Wave Machine
Shaun White Crushes Kelly Slater's Epic Surf Wave Machine

Kelly Slater invited some huge stars over to his cutting-edge surf park in Lemoore, CA -- where Shaun White murdered a wave session ... and it's all on video.
Slater's wave park has become famous -- it's located 100 miles from the ocean ... and creates an artificial wave that surfers can ride for up to 500 yards. It's insane.
Enter White ... who's not just a snowboarding star but also a damn good surfer -- and he grabbed his board and shredded the gnar like a pro!
Tony Hawk and Eddie Vedder were also at the wave park ... though we haven't been able to find footage of them surfing yet -- but we're assuming it went well.
Slater discussed the park on HBO's 'Real Sports' -- which noted that Slater's machine took 10 years to develop and could change the sport forever.
Pretty cool stuff.