Kobe Bryant Trashes Smush Parker, Again
Kobe Bryant Trashes Smush Parker ... Again

Kobe Bryant is talking even MORE trash about his former Lakers teammate, Smush Parker -- saying crappy teammates like Smush forced him to score 81 points back in 2006.
Yeah, it's been more than 12 YEARS since Kobe went insane on the Toronto Raptors ... but he still can't pass up an opportunity to dunk all over Smush -- a guy he hated back in the day.
This time, Kobe was doing a Q&A at USC back on April 2, when he was asked a trivia question -- who was the Lakers 2nd leading scorer in that legendary game?
When he learned it was Smush ... Kobe pulled a face and fired off some shots.
"What did he have, 4?"
Smush actually dropped 13 that day ... but Kobe didn't care and continued the attack.
"Now you know why I had to score 81" ... suggesting his supporting cast was pure trash.
"Tough day, man. That was tough."