MMA's Gabi Garcia 27 Pounds Overweight for Fight with Old Lady
MMA Star Gabi Garcia Epic Weigh-In Fail ... 27 LBS OVER!!!
Here's women's MMA giant Gabi Garcia giving new meaning to "missing weight" -- tipping the scales at around 27 POUNDS (~12 kgs) over her target.
Earlier today in Japan, Gabi weighed in at 237 pounds for a Rizin Fighting Federation event in Japan ... making her a full 75 pounds heavier than her opponent, Shinobu Kandori.
Kandori, who's also 21 years older than Garcia, was PISSED -- yelling at her on stage and reportedly calling her a "disgrace" in Japanese. (Fun fact: the UFC record for missing weight is 11 pounds.)
Unclear if the fight's still taking place ... but if it is, gotta think Shinobu's getting Hulk-smashed.