Angie Everhart Says Harvey Weinstein Masturbated In Front of Her and Everyone Knew
Angie Everhart Harvey Weinstein Masturbated In Front of Me ... and Everyone Knew

Angie Everhart just told a stunning story on TMZ Live ... she says Harvey Weinstein broke into the room where she was sleeping on a yacht, held her at bay and masturbated ... she told everyone about it afterward, but no one cared.
Angie says the incident happened more than 10 years ago on a yacht during the Venice Film Festival (she mistakenly said Cannes). She says she had just arrived from the United States, was jetlagged and went to a cabin and fell asleep. The next thing she knew, Weinstein was over her, blocking the door and pleasuring himself.
She says he told her not to tell anyone, but, "I told everyone." Angie says she told other actors, producers -- anyone who would listen -- and all they said was, "oh that's just Harvey." Angie says everyone knew that Weinstein committed such acts but no one did a damn thing until last week.