Theo Epstein Welcomes Steve Bartman Back to Wrigley
Theo Epstein Steve Bartman Is Welcome at Wrigley But Leave That Guy Alone!!

LEAVE STEVE BARTMAN ALONE ... so says Cubs GM Theo Epstein ... who says Cubs fans should back off Bartman for good -- unless he CHOOSES to come out of hiding.
Of course, Bartman is the guy who was blamed for blowing the Cubs playoff run in 2003 when he interfered with a foul ball. Fans demonized him and basically ran him out of town.
But now that the Cubbies are World Series Champs, what should become of Bartman?
We asked Theo, who says the guy is more than welcome back at Wrigley ... but the team isn't going to pressure him to come out and make an appearance.
Basically, the ball's in his court.