Mariah Carey: Wheeled Around Vegas Hotel ... The Shoes Made Me Do It!
Mariah Carey Wheeled Around Vegas... The Shoes Made Me Do It!
Mariah Carey is not lazy, she just has fab shoes that KILL her feet.
Video surfaced this week of Mariah getting wheeled around Caesars Palace to her show at the Colosseum. People chalked it up to diva antics, but our sources say Mariah was a victim of what she calls "shoeicide" -- wearing shoes that are super fabulous, but murder on her feet.
We're told Mariah walks around in her shoes constantly, but on this occasion ... she simply couldn't do it anymore. So Mariah's staff concocted the rolling chair to help ease her foot pain.
Our sources say Mariah plans on making a more permanent bedazzled "throne" so she can be fab AND pain free.