Goldberg: Steve Austin Is A Beer Faker ... But I Wasn't
Goldberg Steve Austin Is A Beer Faker ... But I Wasn't

Pro wrestling legend Bill Goldberg is lifting the shroud off one of the WWE's most famous gimmicks ... saying "Stone Cold" Steve Austin was more spit then swallow when it came to beers in the ring.
We got Goldberg out in L.A. -- promoting his new movie "Check Point" -- when we talked to him about rumors of a comeback match between him and Austin. So, we had to ask about Steve's infamous beer bash celebrations and if the dude really pounded brews.
That's when Goldberg broke the bad news and the UNFORGIVABLE news ... saying that not only is no match between him and the rattlesnake imminent ... but that Austin NEVER REALLY DRANK THE BEERS.
Watch and see for yourself ... R.I.P. to your childhood.