Robin Thicke -- Our Dog Ate Weed ... Now It's One Sick Puppy
Robin Thicke Our Dog Ate Weed Now It's One Sick Puppy
Robin Thicke and his 20-year-old girlfriend aren't gonna win any SPCA awards anytime soon, because they accidentally turned their dog into a pothead.
April Love Geary gushed about Bincy last month when she and Robin plunked down $350 for the terrier mix.
But things went south quickly. April says a day after they took the pooch home it somehow got into their stash and got sick. Bincy went to the vet, but apparently she still had a taste for the green stuff.
Three days after returning home, Bincy was back at the animal doc, for the same problem. This time April insisted it was more of a contact high, but when friends started ragging on her she tweeted, "IT'S NOT ME!!! Some falls on the ground or she sits by him smoking and just inhales it hahaha."
Best we can see, Bincy's back home. Keep those Funyons away from her, Robin ... they're dangerous.
April tells us in one of the trips to the vet, although they thought the dog got into the pot the stool sample revealed it was garlic. It's unclear how the dog got into garlic.