'Love and Hip Hop: New York' Star Tahiry Jose -- Brutal Attacker Getting Off Easy
'Love and Hip Hop: New York' Star Brutal Attacker Getting Off Easy
"Love & Hip Hop: New York" star Tahiry Jose's is still recovering from a violent attack during a fall fashion show ... but we found out her attacker got off really light.
The guy -- Charles Suggs -- pled guilty to assault this week for his brutal attack that left the model in a neck brace and covered with cuts and bruises.
Suggs copped a plea and got off with no jail time. He has to complete an anger management program and he has to stay clear of Jose for 5 years ... or else.
Jose was backstage at the Toure Designs show in September when Suggs started arguing with her. He snapped, charged her and began throwing punches, dragged her down and kept wailing on her until the crew broke it up.
Jose is still in physical therapy.