Michael Brown -- LAPD Launches Investigation Over Parody Song
Michael Brown LAPD Launches Investigation Over Parody Song

The LAPD is conducting an investigation to determine if cops currently on the force attended a dinner at the Glendale Elks Lodge which featured a horrible parody of "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown," making fun of Michael Brown's death.
TMZ broke the story ... retired LAPD Officer Joe Myers threw a charity golf tournament a week ago Monday, and then threw a dinner afterward at the Elks Lodge. As 50-60 people watched, Gary Fishell -- P.I. and former federal law enforcement officer -- sang the parody, with lyrics that included, "Two men took to fightin' And Michael punched in through the door, And Michael looked like some old Swiss Cheese, His brain was splattered on the floor."
We're told LAPD's Internal Affairs will conduct an investigation to determine if current LAPD cops were at the event. We're told there were some active police officers at the dinner, but we do not know the specific agencies.
If active officers were at the event, I.A. will determine if they exhibited "conduct unbecoming of a police officer," which could subject them to discipline.