Eric Balfour -- Would You Like to Buy My Imaginary Friend?
Eric Balfour Would You Like to Buy My Imaginary Friend?

This video exists in a magical world where imaginary friends are real -- and imaginary slavery is also a thing -- but it's still really cute to watch.
Our photog encountered "Six Feet Under" and "24" star Eric Balfour on the streets of Venice Thursday afternoon … when the topic turned to imaginary friends.
Balfour copped to having one as a kid -- a 30" tall Mexican named Carlito. After introducing us, Balfour and our photog discussed the recent trend of people selling their imaginary friends on eBay.
After a little coercing, Balfour agreed to put Carlito up for sale and the two (Eric and Carlito) even posed for an eBay photo.
As if this whole ordeal couldn't get more ridiculous … our photog actually did post the listing on eBay, but it got taken down because apparently you cannot sell intangible things on the site.
When Carlito gets wind of all this, Balfour is going to have some explaining to do.