Redfoo -- I'll Settle Up with Rick Ross ... Or Beat His Ass in Court
Redfoo I'll Settle with Rick Ross Or Beat His Ass in Court!

Redfoo is giving Rick Ross two options -- either sit down with him and settle their lawsuit or prepare for legal defeat.
As TMZ first reported, LMFAO has fired back at Ross -- who is suing the group claiming they stole lyrics from him for their HUGE hit, "Party Rock Anthem." The group admits to playing off a lyric of Ross' from a few years back, but claims that's just part of the music biz.
A very tipsy and talkative Redfoo told our photog outside DBA in Hollywood ... if he and Ross have a face-to-face they can clear up any misunderstanding. Translation -- Ross would end up folding like a cheap suit.
Not sure they want to be alone in a small room with Ross ... but good luck with that!