Justin Bieber - Sheriff Recommends Felony Prosecution to D.A.
Justin Bieber Sheriff Recommends Felony Prosecution in Egg Throwing
The L.A. County Sheriff's Dept. has just sent the Justin Bieber case to the L.A. County D.A., and the cops are strongly recommending prosecution for FELONY vandalism over the egg attack.
TMZ broke the story ... Bieber has been accused by his neighbor of egging his home ... causing around $20,000 in damage. Sheriff's investigators took it seriously enough to execute a search warrant.
Lt. Dave Thompson tells TMZ, "I went to the D.A.'s Office today with the paperwork, and I want a felony. Of course I want a felony."
TMZ posted video in the middle of the attack, in which you hear Bieber taunting the neighbor.
The D.A. will make a decision in about a week.